Published 1996 | Version v1

Greenpeace and the Nirex Inquiry

  • 1. Lancaster University (United Kingdom). Lonsdale College


An Opening Statement is made on behalf of Greenpeace Ltd as part of their submission to a Planning Inquiry in 1995 hearing the application of UK Nirex Ltd for permission to construct an underground Rock Characterisation Facility (RCF) at a site near Sellafield. The RCF is part of an investigation by Nirex into a suitable site for the disposal of radioactive waste. Greenpeace's legal case for objecting to the planning application is outlined and is followed in subsequent papers by Proofs of Evidence by five expert witnesses. It will be contended that: the RCF does not meet the identified need for the development; the RCF does not meet the specific technical requirements for the purposes of a repository; an alternative site better suited to the purpose is needed; It has not been shown by Nirex that the need to site the RCF at Sellafield overrides the harm caused to interests of acknowledged importance; the site selection process and the science case presented by Nirex do not show, to date, sufficient justification for the development. (40 references). (UK)

Additional details

Publishing Information

University of Glasgow.
Imprint Place
Glasgow (United Kingdom)
0 852615 24 8
Imprint Title
Radioactive waste disposal at Sellafield, UK: site selection, geological and engineering problems
Imprint Pagination
520 p.
Journal Page Range
p. 85-92.