Published 1993 | Version v1
Report Open



The GRAAL collaboration aims at the realization of a polarized and tagged γ-ray beam at the Electron Storage Ring Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble and its use for the study of photoreactions in the energy range 300-1800 MeV, with a 4π detector including the INFN BGO-ball as calorimeter, wire chambers as vertex detector and a plastic wall. The detector, the GRAAL beam and the monitors are described in detail. The physics to be studied include strangeness photoproduction, η and η' production and rare π0 decays. Monte-Carlo simulations at these experiments are also described. (K.A.) 75 refs.; 35 figs.; 4 tabs

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Review of the Grenoble Laser Accelerator project

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Imprint Pagination
75 p.
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GRAAL Collaboration.