Published December 1984 | Version v1
Journal article

Hyperglycemia and ultrasound in radiotherapy of experimental tumors (a preliminary paper)

  • 1. Ministerstvo Zdravookhraneniya Uzbekskoj SSR, Tashkent. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Onkologii i Radiologii


Experimental studies have shown that all the types of effects, as compared with the control, result in inhibition of the tumor growth; X-ray therapy decelerates the tumor growth, but its combination with hyperglycemia produced a more vivid effect. Inhibition of the tumor growth, as compared with that in the control group, was observed under a combined effect of hyperglycemia with ultrasound, though it was noticeably weaker than under other effects. Application of a complex effect including hyperglycemia, ultrasound, X-ray therapy turned to be most effective, the succession of their application playing an important role for the antitumoral effect of the used factors

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Original title (Russian)
Giperglikemiya i ul'trazvuk pri luchevoj terapii ehksperimental'nykh opukholej (predvaritel'noe soobshchenie)

Publishing Information

Journal Title
Med. Radiol.
Journal Issue
Journal Series
Med. Radiol.