Published May 2013 | Version v1
Journal article

Isar-2 nuclear power station twenty-five years

  • 1. Kernkraftwerk Isar, Essenbach (Germany)


The Isar-2 nuclear power station (KKI 2) began commercial power operation on April 9, 1988. In these past 25 years the plant generated a total of approx. 285 billion kWh of electricity. The annual electricity production of KKI 2 of approx. 12 billion kWh corresponds to a share of approx. 15 % in the cumulated Bavarian electricity production. This amount of electricity, theoretically, could supply some 3 million three person households, or meet two thirds of the electricity requirement of the Bavarian industry, for one year. In its 25 years of power operation the Isar-2 nuclear power plant has recorded the highest annual gross electricity production of all nuclear power plants in the world nine times so far. A plant performance as impressive as this necessitates a plant availability far above the average. This, in turn, is based on short revision times and faultfree plant operation. However, high plant safety and availability must not be taken for granted, but are the result of responsible, safety-minded plant operation combined with continuous plant optimization and permanent execution of comprehensive checks, inspections, and maintenance measures. Besides plant technology also organization and administration were permanently advanced and adapted to changing requirements so as to safeguard reliable, safe, and non-polluting plant operation.

Additional details

Additional titles

Original title (German)
25 Jahre Kernkraftwerk Isar 2

Publishing Information

Journal Title
Atw. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie
Journal Volume
Journal Issue
Journal Page Range
p. 304-307

Optional Information

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