Published November 1978 | Version v1
Journal article

Investigation of the use of H2150 to estimate lipolysis and acyl-CoA hydrolysis

  • 1. Wisconsin Univ., Madison (USA). Dept. of Radiology


The possibility of measuring the rate of lipolysis by incorporation of 150 into fatty acids from H2150 has been investigated. It was found that there was a large incorporation of radioactivity from H2150 into chloroform-soluble material, even when lipolysis could not occur, especially with isolated mitochondria. The limits on sensitivity were found to be; the amount of H2150 used, the time taken from start of incubation to counting, and the amount of water incorporated into fatty acid. The usefulness of this isotope as a tracer in this type of work is discussed. (U.K.)

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Journal Title
Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot.
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Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot.
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