Published March 5, 1986 | Version v1
Journal article

In vitro effects of fatty acids on goat, calf and guinea pig hepatic gluconeogenesis

  • 1. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison


Isolated hepatocytes from male guinea pigs, ruminating goats and bull calves were incubated at 39 C for 1h. Fatty acids C18:1, C16, and C8 (.5, 1, 2 mM) were added as albumin complexes (3:1 molar ratio), C2 and C4 (1.25, 2.5 and 5 mM) were added as Na salts. In ruminant cells C2 had no effect on [2-14C]-propionate (PROP) (2.5 mM) or [U-14C]-L-lactate (LACT) (2.5 mM) metabolism. C4 (2.5 or 5 mM) decreased [14C]-glucose (GLU) (P < .01) from PROP (48% goats, 68% calves) and decreased LACT conversion to GLU, (27% goats, 50% calves), C8, C16 and C18:1 effects depended on gluconeogenic substrate and species. In goat cells conversion of PROP to GLU was increased (P < .01) by C18:1 (30%) and C8 (52%) with C16 showing a similar trend. There were no interactions between the effects of fatty acids and lactation state (lactating does vs wethers). In goat cells C8 increased PROP conversion to GLU relative to oxidation, other fatty acids did not change relative rates. In calf cells C18:1, C16 and C8 had no effect on PROP metabolism. C8 inhibited gluconeogenesis from LACT in goats (24%) (P < .07) and calves (47%) (P < .01). In contrast fatty acids decreased (P < .01) GLU production from PROP (C18:1 90%, C8 80%) and LACT (C18:1 75%, C8 75%) in cells from guinea pigs. They have established a clear difference in the regulation of gluconeogenesis among species which contain similar intracellular distribution of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase

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Journal Title
Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol.
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Fed. Proc., Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol.
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70. annual meeting of the Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology.
13-18 Apr 1986.
St. Louis, MO (USA).


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