Published 1985 | Version v1

Catalase induction in normal and tumorigenic mice using x-rays, clofibrate, ethanol, or hydrogen peroxide

  • 1. Radiation Research Lab., Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242


The authors studied catalase induction in normal male Swiss mice as well as in male mice harboring H-6 hepatomas. The induction patterns many suggest reasons why tumor cells have lower catalase activity than normal cells. X-rays, hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, and clofibrate were used as inducing agents. X-rays interact with tissue and cause free radical formation. This results in an increase in hydrogen peroxide concentration, which ought to induce catalase. Oral administration of hydrogen peroxide should induce catalase similarly. Ethanol can be a substrate for catalase, forming acetalehyde; and as such may induce catalase. Ethanol can also restore inactive catalase compound II to useful catalase. Clofibrate is a hypolipidemic agent which induces catalase, most likely because of its ability to accelerate lipid breakdown, which raises peroxide concentration

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Publishing Information

Radiation Research Society.
Imprint Place
Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Imprint Title
Thirty-third annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society (Abstracts)
Journal Page Range
p. 133.


33. annual scientific meeting of the Radiation Research Society.
5-9 May 1985.
Los Angeles, CA (USA).