Published 1995 | Version v1
Miscellaneous Open

The 1994 loss of coolant incident at Pickering NGS

  • 1. Ontario Hydro, Pickering, ON (Canada). Pickering Generating Station
  • 2. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Mississauga, ON (Canada)


Fracture of the rubber diaphragm in a liquid relief valve initiated events leading to a loss of coolant in Unit 2, on December 10. The valve failed open, filling the bleed condenser. The reactor shut itself down. When pressure recovered, two spring-loaded safety relief valves opened and one of them chattered. The shock and pulsations cracked the inlet pipe to the chattering valve, and the subsequent loss of coolant triggered the emergency core cooling system. The incident was terminated by operator action. No abnormal radioactivity was released. The four reactor units of Pickering A remained shut down until the corrective actions were completed in April/May 1995. (author). 4 figs



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Augmented title (English)
Nuclear Generating Station

Publishing Information

Imprint Title
CNS proceedings of the 16. annual conference, volume I and II
Imprint Pagination
2 v.
Journal Page Range
(v.1) [9 p.].
Report number


16. Annual conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society.
4-7 Jun 1995.
Saskatoon, SK (Canada).

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