Published 1988 | Version v1
Journal article

4f-self-luminescence of ytterbium in complexes with morin and quercetin

  • 1. AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Odessa. Fiziko-Khimicheskij Inst.
  • 2. Odesskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (Ukrainian SSR)


Luminescence of ytterbium in solutions of its complexes with morin (Mor) and quercetin (Q) is studied to find the ways of increasing luminescence intensity is studied. It is established that maximum luminescence intensity of complexes with Mor is observed at pH 5.0, those with Q - at pH 6.0. Using the method of isomolar series it is found that the component relation in complexes is Yb:Mor(Q)=1:1. The molar coefficients of extinction are 1.8x103 and 2.9x103, respectively. Under optimum complexing conditions Ilum. reaches its maximum after 3-5 min. and remains constant during the whole day. The curve of Ilum. dependence of the complex with Mor on Yb concentration is linear in the 0.3-15.0 μg/ml; in case of the complex with Q - in the 1.0-15.0 μg/ml range. The results of Yb determination in its chloride according to luminescence of the complex with Mor are presented. The limit of Yb determination in the complex with Mor is 0.07 μg/ml, in the complex with Q - 0.20 μg/ml. It is shown that addition of organic bases increases Ilum. and decreases the limit of Yb determination down to 0.03 and 0.10 μg/ml for complexes with Mor and Q, respectively. When solutions of Yb-Mor(Q) complexes are frozen down to 77 K, Ilum. increases 5.0 and 6.6 times, and the limit of Yb detection becomes 0.01 μg/ml and 0.03 μg/ml, respectively. The developed method can be used to determine Yb in yttrium, lanthanum, gadolinium, lutetium oxides

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Original title (Russian)
Sobstvennaya 4f-lyuminestsentsiya itterbiya v kompleksakh s morinom i kvertsetinom

Publishing Information

Journal Title
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij, Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya
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Journal Series
Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Khim. Khim. Tekhnol.
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