Published 2015 | Version v1

Ameliorative effect of quercetin against oxidative stress in mice induced by gamma-irradiation

  • 1. Department of Physiology, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (India)
  • 2. Centre for Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology, University Science Instrumentation Centre, Mangalore University, Mangalore (India)
  • 3. Department of Applied Zoology, Mangalore University, Mangalore (India)


Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, which is a potent antioxidant. In view of this the ameliorative effect of quercetin administration prior to irradiation was analyzed in Swiss mice. Quercetin (50 mg/kg body weight) suspended in 0.5% carboxy methyl cellulose was orally administered for 5 consecutive days at 24 hr interval to female Swiss albino mice. The animals were exposed to 1 and 2 Gy of gamma radiation 1 hour after the quercetin administration. Animals were divided into control and treated groups and all groups were irradiated with gamma rays. Blood was collected 1 and 48 hours after irradiation and serum total protein, albumin, globulins, cholesterol, triglycerides, SGOT and SGPT were determined. Quercetin was found to elevate the protein profile (total protein, albumin and globulin) and ameliorate the hyperlipidemic effects of gamma radiation. Quercetin also improved the liver functions affected by gamma irradiation. The observations suggest that quercetin may serve as a radioprotector. (author)

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Publishing Information

Mangalore University
Imprint Place
Mangalore (India)
Imprint Title
Proceedings of the national conference on recent advances in animal sciences: abstracts
Imprint Pagination
132 p.
Journal Page Range
p. 55


National conference on recent advances in animal sciences
13-15 Feb 2015
Mangalore (India)

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