Published May 1978 | Version v1
Journal article

Effect of insulin on postradiation obesity of bone marrow


On irradiated white rats (750 r) the effect of insulin on the content of fat in the bone marrow was studied. Fatty inclusions were calculated under the microscope in histological sections of the thighbone with the help of a grid divided into 256 squares. The results of investigations showed that during insulin administration the number of fat cells in the bone marrow of irradiated rats in comparison with the control group significantly decreased in 5 and 10 days. In 15 days when the reverse development of the fatty process starts, the effect of insulin is less marked. It is supposed that the obesity of the bone marrow under the effect of insulin decreases due to the early established stimulation of the bone marrow hemopoietic tissue by the hormone regeneration

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Original title (Russian)
Vliyanie insulina na postradiatsionnoe ozhirenie kostnogo mozga

Publishing Information

Journal Title
Med. Radiol.
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Journal Series
Med. Radiol.
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