Published July 1990 | Version v1
Report Open

Atomic data for fusion


This report provides a handbook of recommended cross-section and rate-coefficient data for inelastic collisions between hydrogen, helium and lithium atoms, molecules and ions, and encompasses more than 400 different reactions of primary interest in fusion research. Published experimental and theoretical data have been collected and evaluated, and the recommended data are presented in tabular, graphical and parametrized form. Processes include excitation and spectral line emission, charge exchange, ionization, stripping, dissociation and particle interchange reactions. The range of collision energies is appropriate to applications in fusion-energy research

Availability note (English)

MF available from INIS under the Report Number; NTIS, PC A99/MF A01 as DE91000527; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep.



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Additional titles

Subtitle (English)
Volume 1, Collisions of H, H_2, He and Li atoms and ions with atoms and molecules

Publishing Information

Imprint Pagination
706 p.
Report number

Optional Information

Contract/Grant/Project number
Contract AC05-84OR21400