Published 2019 | Version v1

Evaluating Environmental Remediation Performance at Radwaste Sites Using Multiple, Censored Regression Analysis - 19348

  • 1. S.S. Papadopulos and Associates, Inc., Bethesda, MD 20910 (United States)
  • 2. Quantitative Decisions, Rosemont, PA 19010 (United States)
  • 3. CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company - CHPRC, Richland WA 99352 (United States)


Located on the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Richland,Washington, the 300 Area's remediation performance monitoring requires assessment of concentration trends and calculation of means and lower and upper confidence limits on the mean. The performance monitoring wells for uranium are located within 400 m of the Columbia River and groundwater elevations and uranium concentrations are influenced by groundwater-surface water interactions. A multiple regression approach was used to assess trends because multiple covariates can be used to account for the observed fluctuations in groundwater elevation and concentration. Incorporation of covariates accounting for these groundwater-surface water interactions (i.e., river stage) reduces the random error in the trend estimation and improves the estimates of remediation performance metrics (i.e., mean and confidence limits on the mean) over traditional, non-parametric methods. (authors)

Availability note (English)

Available from: WM Symposia, Inc., PO Box 27646, 85285-7646 Tempe, AZ (US)

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Imprint Pagination
15 p.
Report number


45. Annual Waste Management Conference
3-7 Mar 2019
Phoenix, AZ (United States)

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12 refs.; available online at: