Published 1987 | Version v1

Modulation of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations by DMSO-preliminary comparisons in three mammalian species

  • 1. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, TN (USA)


Earlier, the authors exposed human lymphocytes to X-radiation in medium containing DMSO. Objectives were to estimate the contribution of reactive radical species in inducing DNA lesions involved in the formation of chromosome aberrations. To determine whether DMSO was equally effective in protecting against exchange induction in lymphocytes of other mammalian species, they exposed human, pig, and rabbit lymphocytes to 99, 191, or 383 rad X-rays in medium with or without 1 M DMSO. Evaluations of induced dicentrics in M(I) metaphases from cultures without DMSO demonstrated differences in relative radiation sensitivity between the three species as expected. Pronounced, species-dependent reductions in X-ray induced dicentrics were observed in lymphocytes irradiated in the presence of DMSO

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Publishing Information

Imprint Title
DOE contractors' workshop: Cellular and molecular aspects of radiation induced DNA damage and repair
Journal Page Range
p. 100.
Report number


Conference on cellular molecular aspects, radiation induced DNA damage and repair.
10-11 Mar 1987.
Albuquerque, NM (USA).