Published January 1980 | Version v1
Report Open

External irradiation during and after the passage of a radioactive cloud


The purpose of this study is the determination of the dose factors used to assess the external radiation doses received during and after the passing of a radioactive cloud arising from an atmospheric release by a nuclear facility. The results of the computations are presented as graphs that allow to estimate the external radiation doses due to any β or γ emitter that can be found in a radioactive cloud or deposited on the ground. Skin and whole-body dose equivalents are given for the 276 radionuclides that seem to be the most important to us. The doses arising from the activities deposited on the ground have been calculated for the following heights: 0.1 m, 1 m, 2 m, and 30 m. This report is a revision of the report CEA-R-4844, which was published in 1977

Availability note (English)

MF available from INIS under the Report Number.

Abstract (French)

L'objectif de cette etude est de determiner les facteurs de dose permettant l'evaluation de l'irradiation externe subie pendant et apres le passage d'un nuage radioactif provenant d'un rejet atmospherique d'une installation nucleaire. Les resultats des methodes de calcul utilisees sont presentes sous forme de courbes permettant d'estimer les doses d'irradiation externe dues a n'importe quel radio-nucleide emetteur β ou γ present dans un nuage radioactif ou depose au sol. Les equivalents de dose a la peau et en profondeur sont donnes pour les 276 radionucleides qui nous ont semble etre les plus importants. Les hauteurs auxquelles les doses dues au depot au sol ont ete calculees sont 0,1 m, 1 m, 2 m et 30 m. Ce rapport constitue une revision du rapport CEA-R-4844 publie en 1977



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Original title (French)
Irradiation externe pendant et apres le passage d'un nuage radioactif

Publishing Information

Imprint Pagination
233 p.
Report number