Published 2003 | Version v1
Miscellaneous Open

Proceedings of the 17th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology


The conference was divided into the following divisions and subdivisions: DIVISION A: Plenary lectures and panel; DIVISION B: Computational mechanics (Structural and thermal analysis; High-non linear analysis, material behaviour; Vibration and fluid dynamics analysis); DIVISION C: Fuel and core structures (Fuel vibration and fretting; Fuel design and constitutive modelling; Fuel failure under operation and accident conditions; Fuel failure under operation and accident conditions; Components and material behaviour under irradiation; Integrity of fuel systems under transient conditions); DIVISION D: Aging, Life Extension and Licence Renewal (International Regulatory and Economic Perspectives; Utility perspectives, WWER technology; Fatigue, corrosion and crack issues; Component integrity; Aging assessment and monitoring; Containment and other structures); DIVISION F: Design methods and rules for components (International codes and standards; Tube, piping codes and standards; Analyses; Fatigue and life assessment; Creep; Bolted connections and gaskets); DIVISION G: Fracture mechanics (Reactor pressure vessel integrity; Dynamic loading; Fracture considerations for various applications; Failure assessment of Zr alloy; Pipe integrity; Integrity of welds; Failure of non-metallic materials; Leak before break (LBB); Corrosion aspects); DIVISION H: Concrete Containment and Other Structures (Concrete materials and performance; Tests of scale prestressed concrete containment vessel; Shear wall test and analysis; Structural analysis and containment design; Structural integrity and analysis); DIVISION J: Analysis and design for dynamic and extreme load (Vibration of shells and plates; Impact analysis; Piping vibration; Structural dynamics; Experimental and other topics); DIVISION K: Seismic analysis, design and qualification (General seismic issues; Ground motion and sitting; Soil-structure interaction; Seismic response of structures; Seismic re-evaluation; Seismic response and qualification of equipment; Seismic base isolation; Seismic testing; seismic vibration control; seismic fluid - structure interaction and tanks; Seismic response of piping and pipe supports; Specific issues of seismic analysis; External events and malevolent action in relation to nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities); DIVISION M: Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) (Probabilistic analysis in dynamic and impact mechanics; PSA for seismic and other external events; Reliability analysis of pressure vessels and piping; Reliability analysis of concrete structures and other components); DIVISION O: Operation, inspection and maintenance (Material monitoring, maintenance and repair; Steam generators and piping; Monitoring and operating experience; Management and safety assessment); DIVISION P: Severe accident management and structural evaluation (Reactor pressure vessel and containment integrity; Severe accident management strategies, achievements and research needs); DIVISION S: Reactor design (Advanced reactor design); DIVISION W: Decommissioning of nuclear facilities and waste management (Decommissioning). A total of 419 contributions were presented. (P.A.)

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Publishing Information

Vysoka skola technicka v Brne
Imprint Place
Brno (Czech Republic)
Imprint Pagination
[3216 p.]
Report number


17. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology
17-22 Aug 2003
Prague (Czech Republic)

Optional Information

Published on CD-ROM in the PDF format for Adobe Acrobat; contact: Prof. S. Vejvoda, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic