Published 1991 | Version v1

Physicochemical methods for the detection of food irradiation

  • 1. Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique, Faculte de Pharmacie, Illkirch-Graffenstaden (France)
  • 2. Strasbourg-1 Univ., 67 (France). Centre de Recherches Nucleaires


All countries whether in favour of irradiation of foodstuffs or not would like to develop a test for irradiated food. A test should involve at least three stages. Firstly it should be characteristic of an ionising treatment and sufficiently sensitive to allow detection at usual irradiation doses. Secondly it should be verified that the test only gives weakly positive results when the foodstuff has undergone another technological treatment or simply when it has been in prolonged storage, also that it gives a result approximately the same whatever the origin of the food studied. Thirdly the validity of the test should be demonstrated under actual control conditions. This chapter is devoted to physicochemical methods of detection and it is stated that the majority of the tests do not pass the first stage. A number of research programs concerning the detection of irradiated foodstuffs in various countries of the European Community are discussed. (author)

Additional details

Publishing Information

Elsevier Applied Science.
Imprint Place
Barking (United Kingdom)
Imprint Title
Food irradiation
Imprint Pagination
345 p.
Journal Page Range
p. 129-168.