Published 2011 | Version v1
Miscellaneous Open

Effect of phase transformation and partial crystallization on the mechanical properties of glass and glass-ceramics based on 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-MgO system

  • 1. Universidade de Sao Paulo (EEL/USP), Lorena, SP (Brazil). Escola de Engenharia
  • 2. Centro Universitario de Volta Redonda (MeMAT/UNIFOA), RJ (Brazil). Pro-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Extensao


In this work, glass and glass-ceramics of the 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-MgO system were developed aiming to produce different crystallization degrees. Glasses were melted at 1600 deg C and heat treated at 700 deg C. Part of the glasses was crystallized using heat treatments at 770 deg C and 1150 deg C for 4h. The partial crystallization and phase transformations were responsible for different mechanical properties (bending strength, young modulus, fracture toughness and hardness) in each temperature. The mechanical response of the material is discussed in relation to the microstructure, crystalline phases, and porosity of the materials. (author)



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Original title (Portuguese)
Uma analise do efeito das transformacoes de fase e da cristalizacao parcial no comportamento mecanico de vidros e vitroceramicos bioativos do sistema 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-MgO

Publishing Information

Imprint Pagination
12 p.
Report number


55. Brazilian congress on ceramics
Original Conference Title
55. congresso brasileiro de ceramica
29 May - 1 Jun 2011
Porto de Galinhas, PE (Brazil)